Introducing Lax Goalie Rat's New Design | Lax Goalie Rat

Introducing Lax Goalie Rat’s New Design

Lax Goalie Rat New Design

Hey everyone! I’m excited today to launch a new design of Lax Goalie Rat.

Awhile back I sent out a survey to see what you all thought about the blog. I’m very grateful to all of you who took the time to respond. The results really helped me.

Most of the ideas came from that survey and a couple other people have also emailed me directly to suggest a few edits which I’ve taken into consideration.

So what’s new and what’s the same?

New Home Page

Before the home page was simply a list of my blog posts in chronological order.

It didn’t really explain who I was nor give goalies, parents, and coaches arriving to Lax Goalie Rat a feel for the site.

I’ve tried to give a little explanation of myself and the site on the home page.

I’ve also implemented a new design to give the site a more professional feel.

One of the questions in the survey was this –

LGR Visual Appeal

40% of the readers said it was only “Somewhat Appealing”.

Now that’s not bad, don’t get me wrong. But my full time job is a web designer. Apart from coaching lacrosse goalies, this is sort of my speciality.

So instead of the generic WordPress theme that I had installed before I’ve now designed something custom-made. I put a lot of work into the new design and I’m happy with how it turned out.

I tried to give Lax Goalie Rat a professional and improved look and feel without changing the structure of the design too much. The home page still features the last 10 posts that I’ve published.

What do you think of the new design?

Search Bar Prominently Featured

One piece of feedback I got consistently in the survey was – “there is no search feature!”.

There actually was a search feature in the sidebar however that tells me people were having a hard time locating it.

This is also reflected in the survey question results:

Search LGR

With so much content on Lax Goalie Rat, my readers should be able to search the site easily.

I was getting a lot of emails with questions where I’ve written a post that specifically addresses their question. Something a quick search would have helped them find right away.

Young Lax Goalie: Hi Coach Damon – My problem is bounce shots. How can I improve on bounce shots?

Coach Damon: Read this – How to Improve on Bounce Shots

The search bar is now ever present in the top navigation bar. Just click the magnifying glass to perform a search for whatever goalie content you’re looking for.

Lax Goalie Rat Search Bar

Clicking on the search bar also produces a new area which will hopefully help all of you find the content that you’re looking for.


New Logo

What do you think? I had a graphic designer friend make it for me. I think its awesome.

Here are all the versions:

Lax Goalie Rat ShieldLax Goalie Rat MascotLax Goalie Rat Logo Text

I guess I need a name for the new Goalie Rat. Any ideas?

New Get Started Here Page

Many goalies find my site via Google search. At last check “Lacrosse Goalie Drills” was how most readers were landing on the site.

For those that are just starting their lacrosse goalie career or want to go back to the basics I put together a “Get Started Here” page which lists a variety of resources for beginning goalies.

I also recorded a quick intro video for that page so folks can get to know me a little better.

If you think something is missing from the Get Started page, let me know.

Not Many Changes to Blog Posts Format

Several of you commented that you actually wanted no changes and that things were fine as is.

I tried to respect this as much as possible. The format of the main content – the blog page and the actual blog posts themselves are essentially unchanged.

I did a few minor tweaks here and there but its the same layout. No changes there.

New About Me Page

I added a full about me page so that the lacrosse goalies, coaches, and parents that visit my site can learn more about Coach Damon and the story behind the Lax Goalie Rat site.

New Videos Page

I haven’t really gotten into making training videos just yet, but I understand there’s a huge demand for that.

I created a video page which will house the videos once I start making them.

For now, this page contains the Lacrosse Goalie Save compilation videos that I’ve put together on YouTube. I find these incredibly helpful for young goalies to analyze the proper form on saves.

They also get me really pumped up to play lax.

Take a second to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you’re alerted when new videos are released:

New Equipment Guide Page

This page features my recommended equipment for lacrosse goalies.

It has both lacrosse goalie gear and training gear that I use when I coach goalies.

If you’re looking for a specific gear recommendation, check out this page.


The new design is live! I put a lot of work into the new design and I hope you like it. Better yet, I hope it makes the Lax Goalie Rat experience all that better. I think its a lot better.

There are still a few kinks I need to iron out but its ready for launch. If you see anything weird in the new design – send a screenshot to [email protected].

New Design LGR

There are other things I want to incorporate into the site however those will come in the next phase.

If you have any feedback on the new design or things you want to see, leave me a comment down below.

Until next time! Coach Damon

Visited 1 times, 1 visit(s) today

P.S. - Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Lax Goalie Rat Academy - The Lax Goalie Rat Academy is a premier membership program that gives you the tools and skillset to level up your goalie game. Technique, drills, mental game, lacrosse IQ and direct coaching from Coach Damon to turn your goalie into a leader and a confident save machine. Join 400+ goalies inside.

2. Lacrosse Goalie Super Mom/Dad - Some call lacrosse goalie the hardest position in sports. That's not true. It's the goalie Mom or Dad. I put together this course specially for the parents who know nothing about lacrosse but still want to help their son or daughter be the best they can be. Learn how to train them but more importantly learn how to support them on this emotional rollercoaster.

3. Promote yourself to 11,000+ subscribers by sponsoring my newsletter.

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