The Lacrosse Goalie Gear Guide: Everything you need to play goalie | Lax Goalie Rat

The Lacrosse Goalie Gear Guide: Everything you need to play goalie


This post was initially published in October 2015 and since then lacrosse companies have released a lot of new pieces of gear that I’ve been able to play with. I updated this post in September 2024 with the latest and greatest items that I recommend to beginner goalies. 

Want to take this goalie gear guide to go? Click here to download my entire lacrosse goalie toolkit including this guide!

This post is a guide which will explain all the lacrosse goalie gear, both mandatory and optional, that is needed to play this amazing position.

I’ll also provide my recommendation for specific pieces of gear that I like.

As goalies we want to be as protected as possible without limiting our movement. So the gear that I prefer typically offers a high level of protection and functionality while still permitting freedom of movement.

Luckily for us, lacrosse goalie gear (and lax gear in general) has made tremendous strides in just the last 10 years. I mean consider this is what lacrosse helmets looked like not too long ago –

Lacrosse Goalie Gear

With the explosion in popularity of the sport, many lacrosse companies have invested heavily in research and development to create new lacrosse gear that’s lighter while also safer than its predecessors.

There are lots of great options for every single piece of equipment. Just because I recommend and like a specific helmet, doesn’t mean that there are not others that work great. Same with chest protectors, sticks, gloves, etc.

If you’re a brand new lacrosse goalie or a parent wondering what gear your child will need to play goalie, this post will help you understand all of the lacrosse goalie equipment that is needed to play in the cage.

Here’s a table of contents of the lacrosse goalie gear in case you want to skip directly to that part of the page:

Mandatory Equipment

Optional Equipment

Additional Equipment

Without further ado, here’s my recommended lacrosse goalie gear:


Lacrosse Goalie Gear

Helmet – Cascade XRS Pro

Today’s helmets are extremely light and yet offer more protection and style then helmets of the past. Goalies are going to get hit in the head with the ball so it’s extremely important to use a newer style helmet to avoid concussions.

There is no difference between a goalie helmet and the helmets used by attackman, defenseman, and middies. There should be but there isn’t. The only slight difference is we add a throat guard to the goalie helmet.

There is also no difference between the helmets used by male and female goalies. Just ensure you always get the right size.

If you play for a school team, they may provide the helmet. However if you’re playing for a club or traveling team you’re often on your own.

The helmet I recommend is the latest from Cascade: Cascade XRS Pro. It’s a pretty sweet looking helmet to boot. I love the matte version.

Here’s a full review on a previous Cascade model helmet that’s also a good option at a lower price tag. Checkout the Cascade R helmet review that I wrote.

Here is a brief history of lacrosse helmets.

Throat Guard – Cascade TP-S Goalie Throat Guard

The throat guard attaches to your helmet via screws or zip ties and protects your throat from shots.

When you have this device on always be sure to check that it fully covers your throat area as getting it in this region could cause serious injury.

Each lacrosse company produces a helmet and you’ll want to get the throat guard that matches your helmet. For example, if you have a Warrior helmet, use the Warrior throat guard.

I think the clear version looks the coolest but Cascade also makes their version in black and silver.

In fact with certain helmet colors, the black Cascade throat protector can look pretty saucy too.

The throat guard I recommend: Cascade TP-S Goalie Throat Guard.

There 2 ways to attach the throat guard to the helmet. By drilling a holes on either side of the helmet and using the screws:

This option will secure the the throat guard a lot better and prevent it from bouncing around while you’re running outside the crease.

Or attach with string or zip ties. This will allow the throat guard to sit lower and give you easier on/off option if your young goalie plays half of the game in the field.

For more info check out the post on all the lacrosse goalie throat guard options.

Lacrosse Goalie Stick

Your lacrosse goalie stick, aka your wand, aka your save maker, aka the most important piece of equipment when it comes to you ability to make saves.

I’ll split the stick up into 3 different areas – the head, the mesh, and the shaft. Complete goalie sticks will come all 3 together as a package or you can pick and choose different ones to create a perfect goalie stick.

There are literally thousands of different head, mesh, and shaft combinations that you can use to create your goalie stick. Just look at the all variations used by today’s goalie:

What I’ve listed below happens to be my favorite.


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Goalie Head – STX Eclipse III

The original STX Eclipse goalie head launched around 1999. The Eclipse 2 launched 18 years later in 2017. And now we only needed to wait a short 6 years for the latest model.

Worth the wait. This is the industry standard in goalie heads.

The threequel provides all the things you loved about the original – lightweight, great face shape, awesome ball scooping ability – and combined it with great new features.

The STX Eclipse 3 is stiffer than its predecessor while maintaining basically the same weight.

The top stiffness in particular is insane. It won’t be bending back on high velocity shots. Get some top plastic on the shot and you can pretty much chalk that up as a save.

And they finally enhanced the plastic grip on the bottom for those goalie who like to setup with their top hand gripping the plastic.

There are a lot of other solid goalie heads including:

But my favorite right now is still the STX Eclipse 3.

Checkout my full review of the STX Eclipse 3 head.

Goalie Mesh – 12 Diamond

Of all the mesh sizes I recommend 12 diamond. The larger diamonds ‘grip’ the ball better and provide less rebounds while making outlets easier.

20 diamond is really heavy. 10 diamond can feel like a fishing net and causing difficulty throwing. 12 diamond is the sweet spot.

When you check NCAA and PLL stick setups the majority use 12 diamond and I think this setup works very well for beginners too.

There are a few companies producing amazing mesh these days so you can’t go wrong. Here are two great options from East Coast Dyes.

HeroMesh 12 Diamond Semi Hard or HeroMesh 12 Diamond Semi Soft

The Semi Soft is harder to string but will break in faster and ultimately give you fewer rebounds.

Another company putting out an outstanding mesh product is Mesh Dynasty. They have an awesome 12 diamond mesh product called Disciple Rhombus Goalie Mesh that is amazing.


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Goalie Shaft – StringKing Metal 3 Goalie Shaft

When I first published this post I recommend the StringKing Metal 2 goalie shaft.

They’ve since discontinued it in favor of the Metal 3 but if you can get your hands on a Metal 2, it’s an amazing shaft.

I prefer a shaft that is as light as possible. This makes the overall stick setup extremely light and gives the goalie faster hands when it comes to attacking a shot.

When you order the StringKing shaft they have a few options, select the lightest one at 135 grams.

It’s also durable so it won’t be damaged as you hit the pipes checking your position. I wish I had this one back in my early playing days.

There’s a goalie length but I just prefer to use an attack length shaft. If you’re trying to decide, I wrote a full post on the ideal length for a goalie’s shaft.

Check out my full review of the StringKing Metal 2 goalie shaft here.

Goalie stick setup I recommend for beginners:

Chest Protector –  Warrior Nemesis Pro ’19 Model

With the new chest protector rule that went into affect 2021, there are currently only a handful of options for goalies when it comes to street legal chest pads.

Here they are:

  1. Warrior Nemesis Pro
  2. Warrior Nemesis
  3. STX 200
  4. STX 400
  5. STX 600
  6. Maverik Max EKG (Maverik Max Review)
  7. Maverik MX EKG
  8. Maverik Shift EKG
  9. Maverik MX EKG ’24 model
  10. Unequal Hart

Besides the Nemi Pro, the other 2 chesties I really recommend is the STX Shield 600. Full review of that one here. And the Unequal chest pad.

The chest protector is going to protect our chest, heart, stomach and shoulder area. Like the helmet, we’re going to be taking shots off of the chest protector so it’s important you buy one of these approved chesties because they also have reinforced heart protection to fight commotio cordis.

My favorite of those is the Warrior Nemi Pro. I think it gives a tremendous amount of mobility while still providing nice protection.

When it comes to the female goalies, STX used to offer the Sultra which was specifically designed for women. However it is currently not approved by NOCSAE and for reasons unbeknowst to me (but rhyme with shmoney) they not making a female specific goalie chest pad.

I’ve heard from a few females goalies (or their parents) that the Warrior Nemesis Pro is also a great option for the girls.

I wrote a full review of the Warrior Nemesis Pro here. The STX 600 is also a solid option.

My recommended chest protector: Warrior Nemesis Pro (both men / women).

Lacrosse Goalie Gloves – Warrior Nemesis QS

It’s important that you purchase lacrosse goalie gloves as opposed to just a normal pair of lacrosse gloves.

The goalie gloves have additional padding as well as a reinforced thumb to help protect our hands and avoid any injuries.

That being said, there doesn’t exist the perfect protective goalie glove. I’ve heard stories of goalies injuring their thumb in every single model of gloves that are out there. You must supplement with an aftermarket thumb splint.

I broke my thumb while in college after a close-range shot hit it directly. This was before I had lacrosse goalie gloves. It’s painful and something you want to avoid at all cost.

For an even deeper explanation of what to look for in goalie gloves be sure to check out my lacrosse goalie glove guide.

My current recommendation for beginner goalie gloves are the Warrior Nemesis goalie gloves.

I find the comfort level and protection of these gloves to be great.

Athletic Supporter – Powertek Barikad V3.0 Ice Hockey Goalie Goal Cup & Supporter Jock

I used to wear just a simple athletic cup. Then I got hit square in the package.

If I would have had a mobile phone on me, I would have ordered a reinforced goalie jock right from the field. This jock provides the most protection and is well worth the investment. Given what’s at stake, this is my favorite piece of lacrosse goalie equipment that I own.

As you can see in the picture above, this type of athletic cup offers some additional hip padding in addition to protecting your entire groinal zone.

Obviously, this piece of equipment is more valuable for us male goalies. Female goalies might feel sufficiently protected in this area with the lacrosse goalie pants.

My athletic supporter of choice: Powertek Barikad V3.0 Ice Hockey Goalie Goal Cup & Supporter Jock

Another solid option that many lacrosse goalies swear by is the Nutty Buddy.

I wrote a full Nutty Buddy review here and if you’re looking for a little more mobility but high protection on direct hits, that is an amazing choice.

Whether you go Nutty Buddy or ice hockey goalie cup, you’re going to be well protected in that most sensitive of areas!

Cleats – Warrior Second Degree 3.0

Lacrosse Goalie Gear - CleatsLacrosse Goalie Gear - Cleats

I recommend using cleats on grass fields. Unlike the other equipment they’re not going to have a tremendous impact on your game so really any pair of cleats will do.

Getting a pair of high tops will give you additional ankle and foot protection in the event a ball strikes this area. This recommended pair is by Warrior however a similar type of football cleat will totally suffice.

I would stay away from soccer cleats since they don’t offer as much protection as lacrosse and football cleats do.

Cleats I use: Warrior Second Degree 3.0.

Turf Shoes – Nike Huarache Lax Turf Shoes

Nike Lacrosse Goalie Turf Shoes

If you play your home games on turf, I recommend buying a pair of turf shoes. Some players simply wear their grass cleats on the turf field and that works fine.

For me however, I felt like I had better traction and responsiveness using the turf shoes while on turf. Even on some grass fields where the crease was extremely hard, I’d opt to use the turf shoes.

Same with the cleats, I prefer high tops to provide more protection to my foot and ankles.

Here’s the pair I like: Nike Huarache Lax Turf Shoes.

Mouth Guard – SISU Mouthguard

The mouthpiece is a mandatory piece of equipment in lacrosse. Everyone, including the goalies, must wear one.

Since goalies are constantly talking to communicate to the defense, many (including myself) don’t like to use mouth guards.

But they are extremely important to reduce concussions from a laser shot to the head or from getting hit while outside the crease.

My recommendation is to get a custom fit one from the dentist. I grind my teeth at night anyway so this actually killed two birds with one mouthpiece for me.

If you go the dentist route, make sure the dentist creates it with colored plastic because clear mouth guards are illegal according to the rulebook.

In the event you don’t want a custom guard, SISU is the mouth guard I recommend. Many young goalies have sung its praises including those who have braces.


The next few pieces of equipment are not required by rule but are definitely legal to use and recommended by me so that you can feel safe and protected while in the goal.

Back in the days, ice hockey goalies used to wear barely any equipment. In the late 50’s they didn’t even wear helmets or masks! After Jacques Plante, a goaltender for the Montreal Canadiens was hit in the face, injuring his cheek and nose, he returned wearing a self-made fiberglass mask. He was ridiculed by his team with most everyone questioning his toughness. All for wearing a mask on HIS FACE.

Today many goalies view this extra goalie gear as akin to Plante’s face mask in the 50’s. But I see lacrosse heading in this direction with goalies, especially youth, opting for these optional pieces of equipment and eventually facing less ridicule and questioning of mental toughness.

If anyone teases for using extra protection, tell them to step into the cage and see what its like.

There’s no reason why you can’t wear this equipment to feel confident and protected in the cage. Some of these pieces of lacrosse goalie gear are even mandatory, as noted.

Even if you don’t use this optional equipment during games, you might want to use it during practice when you receive more shots then you would in a game situation.

Additional Head Protection – LexiShield

Unfortunately, with as fast as players can shoot nowadays, shots taken to a goalie’s forehead or facemask can still result in a concussion.

I recently interviewed a PLL goalie who had suffered over 4 concussions throughout his career and that story is not uncommon for us goalies.

Thus it makes sense to add some aftermarket concussion protection in the form of a LexiShield.

This device attaches to your helmet and helps reduce the chance of concussions. You don’t even feel it when it’s attached so it’s really a no-brainer for use in practice.

Check out my full review of the LexiShield or pick up on on Amazon.

Another option for additional head protection is a piece of gear called the Guardian Cap.

Like the LexiShield, this is an aftermarket device that attaches to the goalie’s lacrosse helmet and provides some additional protection against concussions.

Arm Pads – Brine Youth Uprising II (optional)

At the youth level (Under 15 and below), arms pads are a required piece of equipment for all goalies.

2022 Update: Arm guards are no longer required for youth goalies. They are an optional piece of equipment which I actually don’t recommend.

The idea here is that youth player’s bones are still developing and thus we want to take all precaution to prevent injury. At all levels, they are permitted but not required.

Required arm pads for youth goalies make zero sense by the way. I never played with arm pads and never once did I take a shot to elbow from a shot. The padding needs to be on the other side to protect the forearm and bicep where I did take plenty of blows.

Arms pads are the one piece of equipment I actually discourage goalies (other than youth) from wearing. I think they limit our movement of the arms so much that they hinder our ability to make saves.

For youth, be sure to get Youth arm pads like these: Brine Youth Uprising II.

Shin Guards – ProSlides (required for women high school level and below)

There’s no way to sugar coat this – Getting hit in the shins with a lacrosse ball sucks! It can knock the wind out of a young goalie’s sails and ruin the rest of the entire practice.

Some goalies claim shin guards slow them down but that’s why I recommend a super light pair that doesn’t restrict the ankle or knee movement.

There’s no reason not to wear shin guards except for pride then. So put pride aside and strap on shin guards.

I used to recommend STX goalie specific shin guards but I don’t think they’ve perfected the product yet.

The product I recommend called ProSlides was originally developed to protect softball players knees and shins from sliding on hard dirt. Turns out they’re perfect for protecting lacrosse goalies shins and knees too.

Use coupon code LGR to get 25% off ProSlides!

Its a soft pad, so unlike a catcher’s shin guard for example, you’ll still feel it when it hits your shin or knee but the bruising won’t occur.

Another good option is just a lightweight pair of soccer shinguards that will protect the shins and still allow great mobility.

Shin protection used to be required in the women’s game. But the NFHS made a rule change making it optional starting in 2022:

Under Rule 2-6-1a, goalkeepers are no longer required to wear shin protectors, as there is no standard for those pieces of equipment. Goalkeepers still have the option to wear shin protection with padding up to one inch in thickness, which also creates consistency with boys lacrosse.

Do NOT use ice hockey or baseball catcher shin guards as these are going to restrict movement too much. Also, by rule padding that excessively increases the size of body parts is illegal.

Here’s what I recommend: ProSlides

If these shin guards slide around too much you can always fix them in place with long socks or a few revolutions of white athletic tape.

Another solid option for goalie shin guards are these from G-Form. Meant for motocross, they’re on the ex (albeit on the more expensive side but offer great protection and flexibility.

Lacrosse Goalie Pants – Thigh Pro

Goalie pants are another piece of optional equipment that I recommend especially during practice.

I remember a specific drill one practice where I took a crank shot to the thigh. It hurt but so it goes with being a goalie. I shook it off. Then in the next play of the same drill, I took another crank shot literally to the exact same spot. I thought my leg was going to fall off as the muscle started spasming uncontrollably.

All that to say – I wish I was wearing goalie or football pants. I ended up taping an extra goalie glove to my thigh with athletic tape and continuing the practice haha.

These pants are going to protect your thighs and hips. Most importantly they’re going to reinforce the feeling of being protected which will help instill confidence in our young goalkeepers.

Like shin protection, for women goalies at the high school level and below, thigh protection is also required. Just ensure it doesn’t excessively increase the size of your legs (i.e. no field hockey pads) to remain legal.

If you decide to use goalie pants, be sure to get a pair that doesn’t restrict your range of motion.

My recommendation here is a product called the ThighPro.

They are compression shorts with thigh padding built in. Originally developed for baseball catchers, they serve lacrosse goalies equally well.

They are not max protect which is good because it still gives you the mobility to run around and help out in the clearing game.

Another option oare these goalie pants from Brine: Brine Ventilator Lacrosse Goalie Pants.

The third option is to use football pants. If your young goalie is hesitant to pad up for macho reasons, let him know even top goalies at Syracuse have used the football pants to add some additional protection.

The football pants are going to give you additional thigh and knee protection. And in my opinion, I think they look damn good while they do it.

You can remove the hip and tailbone pads, unless of course you like them. But I find they cut down mobility too much.

There are a lot of versions of football pants out there but this pair comes with integrated pads:

Check them out on Amazon here.

Knee Pads – Mizuno Volleyball Kneepad

As a goalie, I was hit in the knees many times with shots and never received anything more than a bruise.

But for youth players wanting to feel extra protected, I often recommend lightweight knee pads to help shield the kneecap from injury while still allowing the knee to bend and move with limited restriction.

If you’re using football pants or the ProSlides I recommend above, you’ve already got knee protection covered and can do without the knee pads.

I recommend a lightweight pad like those used in volleyball: Mizuno Volleyball Kneepad

Padded Shirts / Sleeves – EliteTek Padded Compression Shirt / McDavid Hexpad Arm Sleeve

If you want a little more protection, many brands offer padded under shirts or protective arm sleeves that can help serve this purpose.

I find these pieces of gear to be light enough that they do not limit our movement while they do add to the feeling of being protected which boosts confidence in the cage.

Especially during practice, I recommend the EliteTek Padded Compression Shirt and a pair of McDavid Hexpad Arm Sleeves.

The Lacrosse Bag

Finally you’re going to need a bag to carry all your lacrosse goalie gear.

Some schools have team bags so you won’t have a choice in which bag to go with. However if you’re looking for your own bag, here are my two favorite options.

Maverick Lacrosse Monster Bag 


At 40 x 15 x 15 inches this bag is large enough to fit all the standard lacrosse goalie equipment plus your extra gear. Also comes in a bunch of colors so you can pick your school or club team’s colors.

Athletico XXL Lacrosse Backpack

At just $60 this might be the cheapest piece of gear your goalie owns!

It comes with external straps to carry your sticks and attach your helmet. The helmet attaches to the outside.

It measures 24″ in height from top to bottom. That’s much larger than a normal backpack but to fit all your goalie gear in there you need the XXL size.

At the bottom there is a compartment for storing your cleats.  Along the sides you also have water bottle holders.

You get sternum straps and hip belts to help support the load if you’re trekking this gear for a far distance. I also like that it has a fence hook so you can hang it up during practice.

Look is pretty plain with the all black but when you attach your helmet and sticks to the outside everyone will know who the goalie is.

Here’s full blog post with your lacrosse goalie backpack options.

Looking for other non-essential items for goalie bag – check that post.


If you’ve read my look good, play good post you’ll know I’m huge advocate of wearing sweatpants in net.

100 degree heat and you won’t see this goalie in shorts.

In addition to looking sweet, sweatpants can cover up pads underneath, help you make a few extra saves with their extra fabric, and take the string out of thigh shots if you choose not to wear pads underneath.

Goaliesmith recently released a pair of goalie sweatpants that are a must for every goalie who wishes to don the sweats.

At one point, they setup a coupon code LGR for free shipping but no clue if its still working by this point.

A Note About Sizing

For every single piece of goalie gear recommended above, be sure you get the right size.

All pieces of equipment should fit snugly so that it doesn’t move on our bodies as we’re making saves. But not too tight that it hurts or limits our range of mobility.

Loose fitting equipment can be extremely dangerous as a chest protector may slide and leave an area unprotected. Or loose fitting helmet could hit against our head causing a concussion.

Make sure you review size recommendations for each product and then adjust them to fit snugly. If they’re too big or too small return them for a different size.


The number one piece of advice I offer new goalies is: Get Protected!

While you may think its macho and cool to wear very little padding, wearing the right amount of pads will make you more confident in the cage

Unfortunately, playing goalie in lacrosse is not cheap. I wrote a full post on how much all this goalie gear will cost.

The various pieces of lax goalie gear required to outfit a new keeper can add up fast. Thus always look to buy used gear at a local sports store if possible.

The pieces I recommend in this post are certainly not the only pieces of lacrosse goalie equipment that are functional and awesome, however it’s what I like and what I encourage others to get when they ask me.

Until next time! Coach Damon

Want to take this goalie gear guide to go? Click here to download my entire lacrosse goalie toolkit including this guide!

NOTE: Most of the above links are affiliate links meaning I get a small percentage with no additional cost to you in the event you decide to buy through my page. Even though these are affiliate links, I thoroughly recommend every piece of lacrosse goalie equipment that’s listed.

If you’ve enjoyed the free content I’ve put together on this blog I’d be honored if you purchase through those links to give me some support. I’ve also had nothing but great experiences with every time I’ve used them to buy my lax gear.

What’s your favorite piece of lacrosse goalie gear? Any additional questions about a specific piece of lacrosse goalie gear? Let me know in the comments. 

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P.S. - Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Lax Goalie Rat Academy - The Lax Goalie Rat Academy is a premier membership program that gives you the tools and skillset to level up your goalie game. Technique, drills, mental game, lacrosse IQ and direct coaching from Coach Damon to turn your goalie into a leader and a confident save machine. Join 400+ goalies inside.

2. Lacrosse Goalie Super Mom/Dad - Some call lacrosse goalie the hardest position in sports. That's not true. It's the goalie Mom or Dad. I put together this course specially for the parents who know nothing about lacrosse but still want to help their son or daughter be the best they can be. Learn how to train them but more importantly learn how to support them on this emotional rollercoaster.

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71 thoughts on “The Lacrosse Goalie Gear Guide: Everything you need to play goalie

  1. Another option for goalie pants is to purchase 5-pocket football compression shorts and add football thigh pads. Our HS goalies (women) have been doing this for three years now and love the freedom of movement this configuration provides them. It is important to note that there is not the same level of protection across the front of the upper leg (each thigh pocket will typically hold one and a half thigh pads, stacked) as there is exposed muscle between the pockets in the shorts. In spite of this, our goalies have not had any injuries due to wearing football compression shorts and thigh pads.

  2. Hi Coach – Great post! Very helpful for a new goalie or a parent who wants to know what kind of lacrosse goalie gear and equipment their son is going to need to play goalie. Thanks for putting this together!

  3. Hi Coach – Nice post! I need to get goalie gloves for my 10-year old son. Any suggestions on which gloves I should go for?

    1. Hi Rory – I wouldn’t say goalie gloves (with the extra padding / thumb protection) are necessary at that age. Kids just don’t shoot hard enough to necessitate goalie gloves plus there’s not too many options for goalie gloves at that age. So I would focus on finding a pair of gloves that fit. A good option is the Under Armour Player SS Lacrosse Gloves. I’ve seen this one in use by college teams and it comes in size 10. If you really want goalie gloves, another option is to look at female goalie gloves. You usually can’t tell that they are designed for females and they come in smaller sizes. Check out the STX Sultra Goalie Glove. Good luck finding a good pair of goalie gloves! – Coach Damon

  4. My son is coming off a broken arm (off field incident). Heading into the indoor season and fall elite (8th grade level), I’m trying to find an extra level of protection for his upper arm/elbow that won’t dramatically affect his mobility. With exception of town level games where he has been required to wear an elbow pad he prefers to play without any arm protection at all to maximize mobility. Any recommendations?

      1. Broke it vertical just above the elbow and up under the bicep. I’ll take a look at them. Appreciate the response.

  5. I noticed in your description of each piece of goalie gear that you didn’t make a distinction between boys and girls goalie helmets. Is there an difference between boy and girl helmets?

  6. Excellent info! My daughter (10) is just getting into Lacrosse and loves being goalie. We have no idea what we are looking for, so your knowledge is much appreciated!

    1. Great question. When I travelled with my lax goalie gear I unscrewed my head from the shaft, put the shaft in my equipment bag and then checked that bag. I attached the goalie head to my backpack and carried it on. That way you don’t need a specific large bag and you’re not worried that your string job will get screwed up. Any lax gear bag will do then (like this one).

  7. My son, age 8, is just getting into lax goalie. He is now the goalie for his team. Does he need a chest protector and shoulder pads? We just bought him shoulder pads but they also cover the chest. Should he wear both? I definitely want him protected but it looks like a bit much! Thanks!

    1. Hi Krista – He absolutely needs to use a chest protector, that’s required. Some chest protectors come with built in shoulder protection to help guard that area. Shoulder pads by rule are optional as are arm pads, thigh pads, and shin pads. However I encourage goalies to be as protected as possible especially during practice when the number of shots a goalie takes are much higher. If the shoulder pad / chest protector combo limits your son’s mobility too much you could not use the shoulder pads during games. Another option to consider is an ice hockey style chest protector (like this) which has chest and arm/shoulder protection built in. Good luck.

  8. Hey coach, this is my first year of lacrosse, I’m a 16 yr old boy, and starting goalie for my high school team. Unfortunately not too long ago, I was hit in my groin area with no protection. Now obviously I’m looking for some protection down there. Do you recommend getting the nut hutt and the goalie pants, or will just the goalie pants suffice? Thanks,
    Leo Murphy

    1. Sorry to hear about that Leo. The goalie pants alone does not provide adequate for your family jewels as its just a soft pad. I would recommend a jock strap/athletic cup too. The Nutt Hutt might be overkill since it also has additional groin padding but give it a try and see how you feel. If you use goalie pants, a basic athletic cup could suffice. If no goalie pants, use the Nut Hutt. Good luck!

  9. I’m looking for some sort of foot protection for my daughter playing high school goalie. Any ideas? Thanks.

  10. I’m so glad I found your blog! My daughter is playing her 2nd year at goalie and just got a concussion from a head shot she took. I’m considering getting her a helmet of her own. If I buy online, how can I be sure the fit will be right? Would I be better off taking her to an actual store to be fitted, or do the helmets come with any sort of adjustable feature? She currently uses shared gear from a coaches son. I like the idea of a women’s chest protector, too, since we’re built a little different than the guys!

    1. Hi Jennifer! Thanks! Glad you found the blog. I would recommend trying on a helmet at a local sports store then buying online if you can find a better deal. Most helmets are adjustable but only to a certain extent.

  11. Thanks so much for the info on various pieces of gear! However there is one piece of gear that you do not mention, the bag to carry all this stuff! I do see that one of your comments has a bag listed, but my HS freshman daughter goalie is currently using an older backpack (Warrior) owned by the school that is just perfect (it can carry helmet, shin protectors, gloves, shoes, pants, water, balls and still has some extra room). I cannot for the life of me find a truly large equipment bag that is a backpack and was hoping that you could suggest a backpack equipment bag that fits the bill.

  12. Thank you so much for the information! My 8 year old loves being goalie and has used the coach’s equipment in the past, but if he wants to keep playing and practicing with his friends, I wanted to get him his own equipment. Thank you so much for the insight and suggestions!

  13. I really enjoyed the article. I was a lacrosse goalie in high school and college in the late ’70’s and things have sure changed a lot. I would have LOVED the goalie gloves. I never broke a thumb but it sure felt like it on a few occasions. Does anybody manufacture goalie cleats? By the end of a season, my toes were always black and blue and I lost the nail on my big toe twice.

  14. thank you so much coach…I have a 10yo girl playing goalie and its starting to get rough so we want to get her everything we can so she can feel confident.

  15. Just wanted to say thanks for the info Coach. My daughter “volunteered” to play goalie on her middle school team – I think the coach asked and everyone took a step back but her! Anyway she is all shades of pink, red, blue and purple from her experience and the community gear. Your post was extremely helpful in giving me some direction on where and what to direct our resources on!

      1. I have found that the team and community gear just doesn’t cut it. You can get some great used gear at good prices. None of my daughter’s gear matches, but each piece provides exceptional protection.

  16. I bought the sultra chest protector for my daughter after seeing it in your initial article. Shortly after, we saw a used warrior players club chest protector. It was far superior to the sultra. It has ventilation holes, and great padding. My daughter liked it so much that she returned the sultra. I don’t see this item available very much. I can’t understand that, because it is a great piece of gear. She probably wouldn’t need the extra protection for the girls lacrosse she is playing now, but she had been and still does play with u15 boys. Believe me, she will take all of the protection she can get. I am going to look into the football pants. I have been making her goalie shorts myself.

    1. Thanks for that feedback on the Sultra Ruth. As I mention I haven’t used that one much but I did get good feedback on it. Glad to know the male chest protectors worked better for you.

  17. When my daughter started playing lacrosse, the team provided the gear. I told her she could buy one piece of equipment per season, but it was usually on the lower price end. You can’t do that with a goalie. They need good gear.

    1. Agree on that point. There’s a HUUUUUGE different between a cheap STX Goalmaster and STX Eclipse II. Same goes for a cheap paper chest pad vs. what is out there today.

  18. hey coach thanks for the gear help. my shin guards have tiny little spikes of rubber on the inside and when ever i get hit in the shin they dig into my legs and i`m left with all these dots on my legs how do you recommend getting rid of them sorry i don`t have the name of the model.

    1. That’s odd. Never heard of that…kinda defeats the purpose of shin guards. Like shoes with nails in them haha. Seriously just get a new pair. Soccer shin guards are like $10.

      1. Those shin Guards are the Stx ones you used to recommend. I couldn’t get rid of them so I just wear soccer socks

  19. Hey Coach! I was just made aware of these mouthguards at my local shop last week, the kid behind the counter(HS goalie) loves them because he can communicate so well with them. Check them out, my son is digging them and I can hear his directions clearly from across the field. Also they come in a ton of colors.
    Thanks for all the great posts!

    Sisu Mouthguards

  20. Question on shin guards for my 9 year old son playing U11. Tried the STX Valor Lacrosse shin guards byt they are too big. The ones in the pic above seem to cover the knee.
    He refuses to wear high socks, so the slide in soccer ones, or anything without straps aren’t an option. Any thoughts?
    Just signed him up for camp for his birthday, can’t wait to tell him!!

    1. Hi Jenna! Any pair of soccer shin guards won’t cover the knee. Some do have ankle guards tho. Some goalies like them, others think they limit movement too much. The ones I put above don’t have the ankle guards. They do have straps that attach them to the shins/legs but they’re meant to be used with soccer socks. Maybe try to find a pair of soccer shin guards that attach to the leg better if he doesn’t want to wear socks. Can’t wait to see you in the camp!!!

        1. Totally personal preference. For newbies I might suggest max protection and then strip off gear in favor of flexibility and freedom of movement once their confidence grows.

  21. I am a girl goalie. I play for my school’s 8th-grade team even though I am only in fifth grade. So extra protection from those angry middle schooler’s shots is AMAZING. Thank you for the suggestions. I used to borrow my brother’s gear, but after I got on the team I needed my own. This guide was amazing!

  22. Any way you could go into a more detailed port on cups for goalies? I’ve been wearing compression shorts with a standard cup insert and feel like I need some added protection. Bought a Warrior Toolbox, but I feel like it doesn’t provide enough security. I feel as though if I move and get hit, I’m going to get caught and be in a lot of pain/need some kind of surgery. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!

  23. What chest protector do you recommend for a high school goalie with a very long torso?
    We have the Stx with the extension and it’s still too short.

  24. I might get knee pads or sleeve because of turf burn. I’ve moved away from all the extra pads for ball protection, but when I go down on my knees on turf, it absolutely kills! I don’t like sweats either, because I try to be pretty dynamic and then I heat up too much. Lastly, nobody makes me wear elbow pads. I’m not sure it’s required.

    1. Interesting. At one point arm guards for youth goalies was in the rule book. I guess it’s not anymore. Light weight knee pads are pretty good especially if you drop knees to save low shots.

  25. 1 question and another shin guard to look at. First, my son wear g-form shin/knee guards designed for Motocross. They are soft and don’t interfere with his running like hard ones do, but turn hard when hit and it doesn’t hurt at all. Just another option.

    Second, do you think there will ever be a goalie specific helmet designed with taking balls in the head into account. Goalies face totally different issues than field players so shouldn’t their helmets be designed with that in mind? I do currently have the LexiShield on his helmet. Lots of people ask what that weird thing on his helmet is. When he tells them they all go, “Wow that’s really smart. That should be required.”

    Love your blog. I read it all the time.

    1. Should totally be required – as of now it’s not even technically allow by rule so we got a long ways to go.

      I do think we’ll see a shift towards requiring more goalies wear pads by rule. People are just shooting too hard these days and goalies are going to get hurt. You’re seeing PLL goalies start to wear shin guards so at least wearing some padding is no longer totally taboo like it was years ago.

      As for a goalie specific helmet, might be a long time. We’re a pretty small market.

      Thanks for compliments on the blog and thanks for those shin guard recco – they look awesome. Never heard of those.

  26. Great post. Two questions: 1. Is there any extra head protection that can legally be worn during games? 2. Are you aware of any youth goalie gloves in youth sizes? Thanks!

    1. Thanks Ryan! 1. As of now all after market head protection cannot be worn in games unfortunately. 2. Some gloves have a small option. For example – these stx cell 5. Or look at female goalie gloves which come in smaller sizes but if you get an all black or white color there’s no difference in male/female if you ask me.

  27. Finally found protective thigh/groin pads for my 2028 club goalie son. His first year he used the youth STX goalie pants which are baggy and not very protective and rather conspicuous. I looked at other goalie pants but most got terrible reviews. Enter the inline skating girdles, specifically the “mission inhaler compression inline hockey girdle” and are regularly in stock at the hockey retailers (pure hockey and hockey monkey) for $80. The thighs actually have a full coverage hard shell insert and inserts on hips and tailbone. They are slim fitting and go nicely under his uniform shorts plus have an insert for a regular protective cup. He hasn’t complained of getting hit by any shots this year. I have washed them on cold quite a few times in the front load washing machine and they’ve held up fine and dried quickly.

    These pants are absolutely ideal and a game changer. Now if only I could find a cleat with toe protection.

  28. Hi coach, what helmet do you recomend for a 9yr girl. The Cascade S is too expensive, but we want to buy new for best protection. She has a brain tumor that is inoperable and a shunt. Doctors cleared her and all she wants to do is play Lax. We already got her the Women’s lax helmet but she really wants to be a goalie. I know is more likely for her to get a concussion as a goalie, but we can deal with that to keep her happy. Any recommendations? She is pettite but her lax helmet fits her well. Right after I found your blog she was diagnosed. We were so excited to start training for her travel team tryouts. Do you think regular gloves are ok for her level? Any other gear recommendations for extra protection?

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