2019 PLL Goalie Power Rankings By Club | Lax Goalie Rat

2019 PLL Goalie Power Rankings By Club

A few days ago, the entire PLL team rosters were released.

In bitmoji form of course.

So first things first – before writing this post I had to go out and get the Coach Damon bitmoji.


That’s what’s up. Now back to the post.

I had originally thought the teams would be formed via a live draft. Hence I wrote my anticipated PLL goalie expected draft order.

That turned out not to be the case as the teams were formed by a committee. There was no live draft rendering that original post moot.

But not completely moot as I’ll use my original rankings to help determine the goalie power rankings for each PLL club.

We now have goalies for each team! So who fared the best?

PLL Goalie Power Rankings

When we’re talking about arguably the top 12 goalies in the world no team is going to fare bad.

That’s the beauty of the PLL, they got the best talent. I can’t wait to watch.

Here are my power rankings for how each lacrosse club came out with their goalie assignments:

#1 – Archers Lacrosse Club

I think the Archers are the clear winners when it comes to goalie assignments.

They get the #3 ranked goalie in Drew Adams AND my #5 ranked goalie in Adam Ghitelman.

Apart from the fact that the Archers get two top 5 goalies, Ghitelman and Adams’ style of goaltending couldn’t be any more different.

Adams is a tall, lengthy lefty while Ghitelman is a short, quick, righty. Could offer the Archers a great 1-2 punch if they choose to split halves amongst their goalies.

That’d be like facing a knuckleballer for 5 innings and then facing a reliever who throws 100mph gas. Great contrast in style confuses the shooters.

Finally, just look at the size of Ghitelman’s eyes. How could he not see the shots coming?

#2 – Chrome Lacrosse Club

The Chrome get dealt my two favorite goalies to watch.

John Galloway who I ranked at #1 and the latest goalie addition to the PLL, Brett Queener who I ranked at #9.

Both of the Chrome’s goalies possess intense energy that they use to lead the team.

Whether it’s Galloway pumping his hands together after a big save or Queener taking off on a full field sprint and scoring goalie goals, one thing is for sure.

Galloway is also the only bitmoji sporting the power of light beard. So that counts for something, right?

The Chrome goalies will be fun to watch. They’re my second-ranked team for goalie strength.

#3 – Whipsnakes Lacrosse Club

What is a Whipsnake you ask yourself?

I’m not sure I have all the answers but I can tell you they’re my third-ranked team for goalies strength.

The Whipsnakes are the Maryland Terrapins alum and they get Kyle Bernlohr – ranked at #4 and Dan Morris ranked at #11.

I imagine Bernlohr does the lion’s share of goaltending for them Whipsnakes.

Interestingly, while I preach goalies should be vocal team leaders, both Bernlohr and Morris are on the quieter side with their leadership styles.

Hopefully for those Whipsnakes a defender will take that leadership role. Given that most of these guys already played together at Maryland they should know the drill.

#4 – Redwoods Lacrosse Club

Gunnar Waldt Jack Kelly

The Redwoods score goalie Jack Kelly, my #2 ranked goalie and Gunnar Waldt my #12 ranked goalie.

Jack Kelly might arguably be the top goalie in the world right now so perhaps the Redwoods are ranked a little low.

Remains to be seen how goalie time is split tho. If it’s not Kelly, we’ll see if Gunnar can step up and make the saves. Jack Kelly is also coming off of that knee injury suffered during the World Games in Israel last July.

While he should have plenty of time to heal, you always wonder if an athlete can regain their same explosion they had before surgery.

Redwoods are my #4 ranked team for goalie strength.

#5 – Chaos Lacrosse Club

The Chaos get Blaze Riorden, ranked at #8, and Charlie Cipriano ranked at #7

Will be interesting to see who emerges as the Chaos starting goalie as both Cipriano and Riorden were middle of the pack in my original rankings.

They were both MLL starters and the Choas should be fine at goal but they don’t have the clear dominate starter that other team’s possess.

They’re ranked #5 in my power rankings.

#6 – Atlas Lacrosse Club

The Atlas get the #6 ranked Scotty Rodgers and the #10 ranked Jack Concannon.

The Big Rig should get the starts for the Atlas and knowing him, he’ll use my #6 Atlas goalie ranking to prove the entire world wrong.

I mean even the dude’s bitmoji is blowing steam from the nose.

As I wrote in my original goalie ranking post, I think Jack Concannon will be a great goalie but needs a little more experience to get there.

Being the great mentor he his, he could find that experience very quickly working under Scotty Rodgers.

The Atlas comes in at #6 on the goalie power rankings.


The PLL is really capturing the lacrosse world’s attention.

The amount of media they’re putting out is awesome. Bitmoji roster releases? I just can’t wait to see what the product is on the field.

When the PLL season starts, here is my ranking for each squad’s goalies:

  1. Archers Lacrosse Club
  2. Chrome Lacrosse Club
  3. Whipsnakes Lacrosse Club
  4. Redwoods Lacrosse Club
  5. Chaos Lacrosse Club
  6. Atlas Lacrosse Club

Until next time! Coach Damon

What do you think of these rankings? Leave me a comment down below.

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11 thoughts on “2019 PLL Goalie Power Rankings By Club

  1. Great list, I agree partly but might be biased because I am a Maryland Fan so of course I think the whipsnakes should be #1 haha. Growing up John Galloway was my idol and at the time there were little to no youtube videos on goalie training so this is who I watched so I really like the #1 rating for him. Great List! Excited to see how these turn out mid season.

  2. How’d these work out for you? Lol Blaze “middle of the pack” lol. You shouldn’t be allowed to write about PLL anymore.

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