Outfitting a Lacrosse Goalie from SidelineSwap in 2021
I gotta admit, I’m on SidelineSwap looking at lacrosse gear way more often than I need to be. In fact, I’m buying way more lacrosse gear than I need to be. But so it goes.
If you haven’t heard of SidelineSwap, it’s like eBay for sporting equipment. And you can often find some really amazing deals on used lacrosse goalie equipment.
That’s probably music to the ears – and wallets – of the lacrosse goalie Moms and Dads out there. Because nothing is worse than dropping a $500 spot on goalie gear only to hear your kid say they want to try middie instead.
When you’re first starting out always try to get used gear where you can. Then if they stick with the position upgrade piece by piece.
In this post, let’s head over to SidelineSwap in May 2021 and see what lacrosse goalie gear package we can put together.
I’ve done 2 posts that are very similar to this:
But with the items coming and going on SidelineSwap plus the new chest protector rule it will interesting to see what kind of goalie setup we can get.
Note – I’ve linked to the items on SidelineSwap but by the time you read this they may be gone already.
Outfitting a Lacrosse Goalie from SidelineSwap
Let’s see what equipment we can find on SidelineSwap in May 2021 to outfit a lacrosse goalie.
Complete Goalie Stick – $70
STX Shield with Shaft

The STX Shield probably isn’t the best for youth goalies due to it’s heavier weight (and therefore extra stiffness which a lot of college goalies like) but this is a great deal for a nicely strung head and a shaft.
On SidelineSwap look for an old STX Eclipse. Since the Eclipse 2 is out now, you should be able to get great deals on the original which is still a solid goalie head.
You can also buy head and shaft separate to try and get find a better deal.
Helmet – $22
Cascade Pro7

The Cascade Pro7 is great helmet for beginning goalies.
It’s a perfect combination of great protection, older model (i.e. cheaper), and yet still a very stylish design.
One of my followers stands by the Cascade Pro7 for life:

Older helmets are also much cheaper! You can get a Pro7 for like $25 on SidelineSwap.
Throat Guard – $20
Nash Lexan Throat Guard

Grab one of these ice hockey style throat guards and attach to your helmet with string.
Chest Pad – $45
STX Shield 200

With the new 2021 chest protector rule there are currently only 5 different chest pads that are legal:
Most are brand new models (read: expensive) but you can get a good deal on the STX Shield 200 which is still a good pad for youth.
Lacrosse Goalie Gloves – $35
Maverik Rome Goalie Gloves

These are the Maverik Rome goalie gloves and although they look like they seen a few games of experience, it’s a solid goalie glove.
Not much as actually changed in ways of thumb protection between this model and their latest and greatest Maverik Max Pro that cost $165 new.
Goalie Jock – $20
Bauer Ice Hockey Goalie Jock

You might shake your head at buying a used jock to which I say – fair enough. But this one is stored on a clothes hanger!
Plus it’s only $20 for nice groin protection.
Cleats – $5
Warrior Cleats

If there is one piece of equipment you can get super cheap on SidelineSwap it’s cleats. Tons of athletes have old cleats they’re not using anymore or have outgrown.
Yes, you need to find the right size. But once you do you can get a set of cleats in decent shape for $5-10.
Mouthguard – $5
Battleguard Mouth Guard

Last piece of mandatory equipment. We can pickup a cool mouth guard for just $5.
Just $222 for all the necessary gear to be a goalie. Not too bad.
Optional Lacrosse Goalie Equipment
The equipment above is all mandatory for any goalie. The equipment in this section is recommended but not mandatory.
Shin Guards – $5
Nike Soccer Shin Guards

I’ve said this before but I don’t think any lacrosse company has a good shin guard product for goalies.
The soccer companies have a lot more experience and make hard plastic, super light, and cheap shin guards that are perfect for goalies.
Football Pants – $10
Nike Football Pants

I’m a huge fan of football pants for youth goalies. Remove all the pads except the thigh and the knee pad.
Lexi Shield – $25
Lexi Shield

This is a newer and a speciality item so there are not many options available used on SidelineSwap. A new Lexi Shield on Amazon only costs $30.
This will provide the goalie with additional head protection to reduce chance of concussion. It isn’t legal for game play so it’s just for practices right now.
Add another $40 for optional protective gear.
So there you go. We were able to outfit a lacrosse goalie in pretty nice gear for only $262.
Now that total cost doesn’t include the price of shipping but it also assumes we pay the full asking price for each item. Most of these items on SidelineSwap are negotiable so let’s assume we make lower offers and that negates the cost of all shipping.
That also includes shin guards, football pants, and a lexi shield which are not even mandatory but will give your youth goalie a better feeling of protection.
Until next time!
Coach Damon
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